Why you should learn a skilled trade
Sept. 16, 2019, noon
With so many advantages to a trade career, it should be considered a more viable option in the professional world.
For starters, a skilled trade career offers the same benefits as a white-collar profession without the cost of a degree. Skilled trade professionals also make a good living, have plenty of jobs to choose from, and enjoy job security.
Whether you want to go into plumbing or cabinetmaking, here are nine reasons you should learn a trade:
1. You gain experience immediately
In skilled trade careers, apprentices immediately work on projects and earn viable certifications. Apprentices don't compete for unpaid internships. They're already on the floor learning from skilled professionals.
2. The price tag is more reasonable
Individuals who pursue skilled trade careers carry less debt. North American Trade School programs are not only affordable, but they offer higher scholarship availability, and easy-to-apply for grants and loans.
3. It takes half the time
The vast majority of training programs at North American Trade Schools, last from six months to two years.
4. Skilled trade experts make a good living
The average skilled trades salary in Canada is $53,625. Entry level positions start at $35,929 per year, while most experienced workers make up to $89,412 per year. If you show management skills and vision, you can move up the ladder in no time. You may also decide to start your own business, at which point your income potential is unlimited.
5. Opportunity
With the baby boomer generation retiring, a huge opportunity awaits millennials and Generation Z in trade careers. According to a report by Statistics Canada and the Canadian Apprenticeship Forum, Canada needs to attract 167,739 new apprentices over the next five years just to keep up with current demand.
6. It’s a stepping stone
Some 18-year-olds just aren’t ready for a college environment. Enrolling in a program at North American Trade Schools offers a nice on-ramp to independence.
7. Job Security
Without the trades, bridges would collapse, cars would break down and plumbing would back up -- to name a few worst-case scenarios. For these reasons, a skilled trade is a very secure job. Additionally, careers that require literal hands-on work cannot be outsourced.
8. Job Satisfaction
While boredom can happen at any job, people who work with their hands all day simply have less opportunity for disengagement. Fixing things, building things, and seeing the actual, physical fruit of your labor is often far more satisfying than spending eight hours behind a desk.
9. Work/life balance
When you work in the trades, you can come home at night and actually disconnect from your job. Because you’re not always plugged in, your body and mind are more relaxed and refreshed for the next day’s work.
For more information about programs and certificates available at North American Trade Schools in Brampton or London, be sure to fill out the Contact Us form today.